2017 ACBS Lake George Rendezvous Winners
People’s Choice: “Fini!” 1960 21’ Restored Chris-Craft Classic Utility Continental. Owned by Joel & Jan Matthews of Lake George.
President’s Choice: “American Honey” 2017 28’ Contemporary Runabout Garwood Streamliner. Owned by Dan Rogosich of Middletown, NY
Dockmaster’s Choice: 1954 19’ Restored Chris-Craft Classic Racing Runabout. Owned by Tom Hilliker of Mattuck, NY
Land Master’s Choice: “Evadora” 2012 18’ Contemporary Hacker Gentleman’s Racer. Owned by Paul & Ann Marie Connolly of Schroon Lake, NY
Historic: “Boatacious” 1910 36’ Preserved Hutchinson Launch owned by Hall’s Boatworks.
Antique: “Not Forgotten” 1930 40’ Preserved Hutchinson Antique Commuter. Owned by Jack & Denise Rifenburg of Mechanicville, NY.
Classic: “Fini!” (See above info under People’s Choice)
Contemporary: “Wicwas” 2001 25’ Preserved Steam Launch. Built from plans from 1885 Steam Launch. Fired by wood. Owned by Ron & Janet Kline from Ticonderoga, NY
Non Power: “Ghost” 1926 29’ Sound Interclub Racing Sloop.Ghost is a 1926 Sound Inter Club racing sloop. The Inter Club sailboats were first raced sailed on Long Island Sound in the 1920s and 30s but they have a local history as well. In the 1940s, as many as 10 of them came to Lake George where they were on the lake for decades until the early 1970s. Only 5 of the original 28 built remain today. Dr. Kelly has a mission to reintroduce the class to Lake George; he owns two of the boats. Tumblehome Boatshop is restoring a third Inter Club now for a different owner, Jeff McMullen, a chapter member who is also on Lake George. All three sail boats will be at the Rendezvous next year for our 45th annual boat show. Owned by John E. Kelly III
Honorable Mention: “Achillies” Achilles is a 1926 Fay & Bowen Junior Runabout with a correct engine — a Fay & Bowen LC 41. This boat has always been on Lake George — in fact, she was first owned by early ACBS founder Ray Nelson. She spent time in Cleverdale, then Hague, then went unrestored for many years until Dr. Kelly purchased her through Hall’s Boat. There was discussion early on about repowerinq her with an electric motor, but when the very rare LC 41 engine (the more powerful of two engines originally offered for this boat) became available, there was no turning back. Over the course of a year, Tumblehome Boatshop did a full restoration on both the boat and motor, and Achilles launched the day before the boat show. Origin of the name “Achilles”? During restoration when a covering board was removed, the name Achilles was found there written in pencil — likely by one of the builders! Since research did not uncover that the boat had ever been named, this one seemed fitting.
NonWood: 1961 18’ Classic Glasspar Antique Sailboat. Owned by Paul Scorza.
Most Original: “The Laker” 1929 22’ Restored Chris-Craft Cadet. Owned by Jeff Killeen from Diamond Point, NY