ACBS Adirondack Chapter First Watch March 2020

Hello fellow members,
I hope you all are having an enjoyable Winter. I’m sure you join me in looking forward to a great boating season this summer! By now you would have received our “Save the Date” postcard with 16 events to consider attending. Be sure to check our website’s new calendar ( as well as our Facebook page (Facebook/acbs-adirondack) to keep up with any new additions or changes in activities. If you have not “liked” our Facebook page, please do so. It is an easy way to stay current, as you will receive all our posts.
Unfortunately, our first scheduled event at Tumblehome BoatShop was cancelled due to inclement weather. It has been rescheduled to March 7thand our neighbors at the Lake Champlain chapter will join us. Please email me with your RSVP so Cynde can plan accordingly.
In the previous edition of “Fourth Watch” I introduced you to your new executive board. In the upcoming issue, be sure to read the bio of your Secretary (John Painter).
Also, fellow member Tom Carmel has been instrumental in diligently producing your “Fourth Watch” for many years. I would like to thank him for his dedication to this, as well as helping Sally and I as the Co Chairman for the Lake George Rendezvous the past three years. Check out his getting to know you bio as well.
Mark your calendar for the Spring workshop to be held at HackerCraft Boats on April 25th. John Skinner will give a tour of the facility and a discussion on the boats presently being worked on. Email me at of you would like to attend.
Thank you to all of our members who volunteer their time and ideas to help make our club a success! We are always looking for more ideas for our chapter.

We had a productive ZOOM Board of Directors meeting on Sunday, March 1st.. Mark your calendar for our next meeting on June 1stat 7 PM. Until then, let’s count down for summer!

Seas the Day,
Ed Becker