And here are the Award winners of our 47th Lake George Show…
held on Saturday. CONGRATULATIONS!
HISTORIC: “Forever Young” Owner: Paul Lotters, Make & Model: 1900 Matthews Launch
ANTIQUE: “Nauti-Girl” Owner: David Forshay, Make & Model: 1924 Hacker Dolphin,
CLASSIC: “Fish Tales III” Owner: Ed Scheiber, Make & Model: 1950 Chris Craft Holiday
LATE CLASSIC: “Big Mouth Charlie” Owner: Bernie Gambacorta, Make & Model: 1993 Van Dam Gentleman’s Racer
CONTEMPORARY: “Jacqueline” Owner: Chris Freihofer, Make & Model: 2002 Van Dam Custom
NON POWER: (un named) Owner: Barry Stevens, Make & Model: 1908 Non power Fur Trapper Canoe
LAND DISPLAY: (Chosen by our Landmaster), “Rodeo” Owner: David Strobino ,Make & Model: 2020 Homebuilt Zephyer
DOCKMASTER’S CHOICE: ”Offtrack” Owner: Anthony Bonjiovoni Make & Model: 1949 Chris Craft Custom Runabout
EXHIBITOR’S CHOICE: “Stella Blue” Owner: Perrin Dake on behalf of Tumblehomeboats, Make & Model: 2015 Tumblehome Custom
PEOPLE’S CHOICE: “Leonor” Owner: Steve Koch Make & Model: 1958 Botved Boats
PRESIDENT’S CHOICE : “Uncle Buddy” Owner: Bob Schlink, Make & Model: 1964 North American Marine
ACBS AWARD WINNER (Chosen by select Committee)
MOST ORIGINAL: “Cast Off” Owner: Richard Rosselli, Make & Model: 1963 Grady White Pacific